Small Business Resources

Welcome to the hub for an abundance of small business resources. Rest assured, this page will be regularly updated on a weekly basis and as necessary to provide you with the latest information and support.

United States of America Resources

Small Business Administration : Receive valuable assistance in launching your business venture. The Small Business Administration (SBA) operates district offices across all 50 states, offering a wealth of resources, training programs, and dedicated specialists to support the establishment and expansion of businesses. Additionally, you can access information regarding contracting opportunities with the Federal Government. Take advantage of these valuable resources and set your business up for success.

Business Loans : Explore a diverse range of federal loans available for your business and discover the application processes offered through various programs, including those administered by the Small Business Administration (SBA), U.S. Department of Agriculture, and other relevant agencies. Dive into the resources provided by these programs to gain insights on loan options and guidance on how to apply. Empower your business with the knowledge and support necessary to navigate the federal loan landscape effectively.

Grant Information : Discover the official gateway to access grants administered by government agencies. Begin your quest for grant opportunities by visiting this designated platform and ensure to select the “small businesses” option in the eligibility criteria. To gain a comprehensive understanding of the eligibility requirements for each grant and submit your applications through, it is necessary to create an account beforehand. Register an account on to unlock the full eligibility details and initiate the application process.

US Patent and Trademark Office  : Access comprehensive guidance on applying for U.S. patents and registering trademarks. Obtain valuable information and resources pertaining to the application processes for patents, as well as the necessary steps to register trademarks. Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools required to navigate the intricacies of these intellectual property protections and secure the rights to your innovations and brand identities.

Bureau of Labor Statistics : Access valuable information regarding U.S. working conditions, labor market activity, and fluctuations in economic prices. Explore comprehensive resources that offer insights into various aspects of the labor market, such as employment trends, wage levels, workforce demographics, and changes in consumer prices. Stay informed about crucial economic indicators to better understand the evolving landscape of employment and pricing in the United States.

Department of Commerce : The Department of Commerce, consisting of 12 distinct agencies, actively fosters job creation, stimulates economic growth, and enhances America’s competitiveness in the global marketplace. Within the Department, the Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) specifically focuses on advancing and supporting minority-owned businesses. Through its comprehensive initiatives and programs, the Department of Commerce and the MBDA contribute to the development and success of businesses, while also bolstering the overall economic landscape of the United States.

Department of Labor Employee Benefit Security Administration : Equips small business owners with vital information necessary for offering employee benefits, such as 401(k) plans or health insurance, to their workforce. Gain access to comprehensive resources and guidance that outline the steps, requirements, and considerations involved in providing these crucial benefits to employees. Empower yourself with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the complex landscape of employee benefits, ensuring the well-being and satisfaction of your workforce while promoting the success of your business.

Small Business Tax Credit Programs : Small businesses can take advantage of several vital tax benefits extended by the American Rescue Plan, with a particular focus on two key incentives: the Employee Retention Credit and Paid Leave Credit. These provisions offer significant advantages to eligible small businesses, allowing them to access credits that can help offset costs and provide financial relief. By leveraging these tax benefits, small businesses can strengthen their financial position and navigate the challenges posed by the current economic climate more effectively.

Emergency Capital Investment Program : The Emergency Capital Investment Program (ECIP) was established to incentivize community financial institutions serving low- and moderate-income communities to enhance their efforts in supporting small businesses and consumers within their localities. Through this program, the Treasury is allocating up to $9 billion in capital directly to certified Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) or minority depository institutions (MDIs). These funds have been specifically designated to assist these institutions in providing loans, grants, and forbearance to small businesses, minority-owned businesses, and consumers, with a particular focus on areas facing economic challenges, such as low-income and underserved communities disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim is to strengthen the financial capacity of these institutions to uplift and support these communities during these challenging times.

Paycheck Protection Program : The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) is offering essential resources to small businesses, ensuring they have the necessary support to sustain their payroll, rehire any laid-off employees, and cover eligible overhead expenses. Through this program, small businesses can access the financial assistance needed to navigate challenging times, allowing them to maintain their operations and protect their workforce. By providing funding for payroll and other essential costs, the PPP plays a crucial role in helping small businesses retain employees and sustain their overall operations.

Government Contracting Fact Sheets : These informative factsheets serve as valuable resources, offering guidance, information, and tools to assist you in discovering opportunities and effectively navigating the federal marketplace. Whether you are seeking contracting opportunities, looking to understand procurement processes, or aiming to enhance your engagement with the federal government, these factsheets provide the necessary insights and resources to support your journey. Empower yourself with the knowledge and tools to seize opportunities and successfully navigate the complex landscape of the federal marketplace.

Interagency Task Force on Veterans Small Business Development : On September 29, 2017, the Inter-Agency Task Force on Veterans Small Business Development (IATF) was established to uphold the President’s dedication to bolstering veteran-owned small businesses throughout the government. Through Executive Order 13811, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) was granted the responsibility of chairing the IATF, aiming to coordinate collaborative efforts in enhancing opportunities and access for small businesses owned by veterans and service-disabled veterans. This includes various areas such as capital access, federal contracting, counseling, and the provision of business development tools and services. The IATF ensures a concerted and comprehensive approach to support and empower veteran entrepreneurs in their business endeavors.

Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Programs : The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs are rigorous initiatives designed to foster engagement between domestic small businesses and Federal Research/Research and Development (R/R&D) efforts, with a focus on potential commercialization. Through competitive awards, these programs empower small businesses to explore their technological capabilities and incentivize them to capitalize on commercial opportunities. By involving qualified small businesses in the nation’s R&D landscape, these programs stimulate high-tech innovation while fulfilling specific research and development requirements. As a result, the United States cultivates an entrepreneurial spirit and propels advancements that meet its evolving needs.

Canada Small Business Resources

The Canada Small Business Financing Program : The Canada Small Business Financing Program simplifies the process for small businesses to obtain loans from financial institutions by implementing a risk-sharing approach with lenders. This program aims to reduce the barriers faced by small businesses when seeking financing by providing a framework where the risk is distributed between the government and the lenders. By sharing the risk, the program encourages financial institutions to extend loans to small businesses, thereby improving their access to much-needed capital. Ultimately, this initiative contributes to fostering the growth and success of small businesses across Canada.

Business Taxes : Income tax, GST/HST, payroll, business numbers, and customs rates. Each of these areas holds significance in the realm of business operations and financial obligations. Income tax relates to the taxation of business income, while GST/HST concerns the Goods and Services Tax and Harmonized Sales Tax. Payroll pertains to the management of employee wages and associated taxes. Business numbers play a crucial role in identifying and registering businesses. Lastly, customs rates involve the applicable rates for importing and exporting goods. Understanding and navigating these aspects is essential for businesses to ensure compliance and effectively manage their financial responsibilities.

Federal Corporation : The process of incorporating a business corporation, making modifications to an existing corporation, establishing a not-for-profit organization, forming a cooperative, or setting up a board of trade can be facilitated through the following steps and procedures. These processes involve legal requirements and documentation that are essential for the establishment or alteration of these business entities. By adhering to these guidelines and fulfilling the necessary formalities, individuals and organizations can successfully incorporate or make changes to their desired business structure.

Find a Patent : Unlock a treasure trove of patent descriptions and images spanning an impressive 154-year period through this comprehensive database. With over 2,520,000 patent documents at your disposal, you can effortlessly search, retrieve, and study a vast array of valuable information. Delve into the wealth of knowledge encapsulated within this database to explore the evolution of innovation across various industries and gain insights for your own research and development endeavors.

Business Grants and Financing : This collection of financial resources encompasses grants, loans, private and public sector financing options, as well as the potential to leverage personal assets. By exploring these avenues, individuals and businesses can access various forms of financial support to fuel their endeavors. Grants provide non-repayable funds for specific purposes, while loans offer borrowed capital with agreed-upon repayment terms. Private and public sector financing options cater to different funding needs, and leveraging personal assets involves utilizing personal possessions or equity as collateral for securing financing. By considering and utilizing these diverse financial opportunities, individuals and businesses can access the necessary funds to drive their projects forward.

Starting a Business in Canada : Before embarking on operating a business in Canada, there are several important steps to consider.

Small Business BC : Small Business BC is a non-profit organization that operates independently with a primary mission of empowering and advancing businesses in British Columbia (BC). They’re dedication lies in elevating every BC business, and they strive to achieve this through a variety of means. Whether they directly provide the service you require or connect you with another suitable resource, our ultimate objective remains unchanged: to assist you in achieving success.

Marketing : A robust marketing strategy is essential for businesses aiming to differentiate themselves from their competitors. However, many struggle to accurately gauge the return on investment (ROI) of their marketing endeavors. Uncover effective techniques to maximize the value of each marketing dollar spent, ensuring optimal outcomes for your business.

Ireland Small Business Resources

Local Enterprise Offices (LEO) : The Local Enterprise Offices (LEOs) serve as the primary resource for individuals seeking information and assistance in initiating or expanding a business in Ireland. Whether you are a budding entrepreneur venturing into the business world for the first time or an established small business owner, the LEOs are here to support you. As your local first-stop shop, the LEOs offer a wealth of advice, information, and support tailored to your specific business needs. With dedicated teams spread across the Local Authority network in Ireland, the LEOs bring a diverse range of experience, skills, and services to the table. Count on the LEOs to guide you through the intricacies of starting, managing, and growing your business, providing you with the necessary resources and expertise to thrive in the dynamic Irish business landscape.

Enterprise Ireland : Enterprise Ireland, as the government organization entrusted with the task, plays a pivotal role in nurturing and expanding Irish enterprises in international markets. Through collaboration and partnership with Irish businesses, our mission is to facilitate their inception, growth, innovation, and triumph in securing export sales across global markets.

SME Online Tool Kit : Irish start-ups and small businesses can benefit from a wide array of government supports, totaling over 170 in number. To assist you in efficiently navigating this diverse range of available options, we have created this Online Guide. It serves as a comprehensive resource to help you identify and explore the government supports that may be applicable to your specific needs.

The Irish Small and Medium Enterprise Association : ISME, the Irish Small and Medium Enterprises Association, stands as the sole independent representative association exclusively dedicated to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). With a nationwide membership exceeding 10,200, ISME champions the interests of SMEs and serves as a strong advocate for their owner-managers.

The Small Firms Association : The Small Firms Association (SFA) serves as the premier national organization dedicated to exclusively representing the interests and requirements of small enterprises in Ireland. Specifically focused on businesses with less than 50 employees, the SFA acts as a steadfast advocate for the unique needs and challenges faced by these enterprises.

Craft Council of Ireland : The Crafts Council of Ireland serves as the primary advocate for the craft industry in Ireland, playing a crucial role in nurturing its development and enhancing its commercial viability. With a steadfast commitment to promoting the craft sector, the council actively communicates its distinctive identity while fostering quality design, innovation, and competitiveness.

The Enterprise Europe Network : The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) is a prominent component of a vast business support network encompassing 600 entities across Europe. With a focus on providing valuable services, the network excels in business partner searches, handling inquiries, facilitating access to R&D funding through European Grants, and offering intellectual property protection assistance.

Chambers Ireland : Chambers Ireland, as the largest business organization in Ireland, operates a vast network of Chambers of Commerce spanning major towns and regions throughout the country. Our primary objective is to foster the growth and advancement of the Irish chamber network, empowering these chambers to effectively promote the long-term development of their respective localities on behalf of their members.

Smile Resource Exchange : SMILE Resource Exchange operates as a cost-free service designed to facilitate resource exchange among businesses. By promoting resource sharing among its members, the platform aims to achieve multiple benefits, including cost savings, waste reduction, and the creation of new business opportunities.

Funding Supports : Enterprise Ireland, as the state agency tasked with facilitating the growth of manufacturing and internationally traded services companies, plays a crucial role in supporting their development. Our primary focus is to provide funding and comprehensive supports to companies at various stages of their journey, ranging from ambitious entrepreneurs with high-potential start-up ideas to large enterprises aiming to expand their operations, enhance efficiency, and increase international sales.

Rural Development Network : The Rural Development Network operates with the purpose of directing resources towards enhancing the quality of life in rural areas and fostering the diversification and growth of the rural economy. Our focus is on identifying and addressing the unique needs and challenges faced by rural communities to facilitate their development and prosperity.

Food Safety Authority of Ireland : The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) plays a crucial role in guiding businesses on the production of safe food. With a strong commitment to upholding high standards, the FSAI ensures that food produced and available in Ireland meets rigorous quality and safety criteria. Above all, the FSAI prioritizes the interests and well-being of consumers.

United Kingdom Small Business Resources

Start Up Loans : If you’re in the early stages of your business or aiming to expand, Start-up Loans can provide a valuable injection of up to £25,000, giving you the necessary momentum.

The Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund : If you’re an entrepreneur or small business operating in the North of England, the Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund offers an opportunity to secure the funding necessary for your business to unlock its full potential.

Innovate UK : Innovate UK plays a vital role in assisting businesses by providing funding and fostering research collaborations to develop and bring new ideas to fruition. Additionally, their Knowledge Transfer Network serves as a valuable platform, connecting you with experts, financial resources, and markets to effectively commercialize your innovative ventures.

Venture Capital Schemes : Our four venture capital schemes are specifically designed to assist you in raising funds for your company. These schemes provide tax reliefs to investors, making your business more attractive and enabling it to thrive through increased investment, fostering its growth.

Tech Nation : Tech Nation offers comprehensive support programs for tech businesses in the UK, along with free access to online courses that facilitate the development of digital skills. Additionally, Tech Nation’s Data Commons for UK Tech offers a wealth of market intelligence and valuable insights, providing a detailed overview of the country’s digital economy. It serves as a valuable resource for businesses seeking to gain a deeper understanding of the industry landscape.

Be The Business : Be the Business is dedicated to empowering small businesses across the UK by offering practical tools, resources, and support to enhance productivity. By leveraging the expertise and guidance provided by Be the Business, small businesses can significantly boost their productivity levels, enabling them to thrive and excel in their respective industries.

Your Local Growth Hub : Whether you’re operating in any sector or size, Your Local Growth Hub serves as a valuable resource in England, connecting you to appropriate business advice and support at both local and national levels. Regardless of your specific needs, Your Local Growth Hub offers a comprehensive network to ensure you receive the necessary guidance and assistance to thrive in your business endeavors.

GREAT : If you’re a small business involved in international trade or planning to expand your sales overseas, GREAT is your go-to resource for valuable guidance. By visiting GREAT, you can access expert advice on exporting, explore live export opportunities, discover online marketplaces to showcase and sell your products globally, and gain access to appropriate financial and insurance services to support your efforts in securing crucial international contracts.

Contracts Finder : With our Contracts Finder, you can conveniently search for details regarding government and agency contracts valued at over £10,000. This powerful tool allows you to explore comprehensive information on previous tenders, providing valuable insights into potential opportunities for your business. Stay informed and uncover lucrative prospects through the Contracts Finder, empowering your business to make informed decisions and seize relevant contracting opportunities.

Yorkshire and Humber Government Funding : Securing funding is a critical factor for the success of small business owners in Yorkshire and the Humber, whether they are starting up or aiming to expand. The region boasts a substantial population of over 5.5 million residents, and it is home to more than 391,000 actively registered small businesses. Recognizing the vast potential and market opportunities available in Yorkshire and the Humber, obtaining the necessary funding becomes essential to unlock success in this thriving business landscape.

Wales Government Funding : For small business owners in Wales, securing funding is crucial for achieving success, whether you’re starting up or planning to expand. With a population exceeding 3 million residents, Wales provides a vibrant market for businesses. Currently, there are over 220,000 active and registered small businesses in the region. Recognizing the immense potential and market opportunities in Wales, obtaining the necessary funding becomes essential to unlock success and drive growth in this dynamic business environment.

Northern Ireland Government Funding : Securing funding is a vital component for the success of small business owners in Northern Ireland, whether they are starting up or aiming to expand. With a population exceeding 1.9 million residents, Northern Ireland presents a promising market for businesses. Currently, there are over 125,000 active and registered small businesses in the region. Recognizing the substantial potential and market opportunities in Northern Ireland, obtaining the necessary funding becomes essential to unlock success and drive growth in this thriving business landscape

Scotland Government Funding : For small business owners in Scotland, securing funding is a crucial factor for achieving success, whether you’re starting up or planning to expand. With a population exceeding 5.3 million residents, Scotland provides a significant market for businesses. Currently, there are over 325,000 active and registered small businesses in the region. Recognizing the immense potential and market opportunities in Scotland, obtaining the necessary funding becomes essential to unlock success and drive growth in this thriving business environment.

West Midlands Government Funding : Securing funding is a critical factor for the success of small business owners in the West Midlands, whether you’re starting up or aiming to expand. With a population exceeding 5.9 million residents, the West Midlands presents a substantial market for businesses. Currently, there are over 725,000 active and registered small businesses in the region. Recognizing the immense potential and market opportunities in the West Midlands, obtaining the necessary funding becomes essential to unlock success and drive growth in this thriving business landscape.

Greater London Government Funding : Securing funding is a crucial element for the success of small business owners in Greater London, whether you’re starting up or aiming to expand. With a population exceeding 8.1 million residents, Greater London provides a vast and diverse market for businesses. Currently, there are over 1 million active and registered small businesses in the region. Recognizing the immense potential and market opportunities in Greater London, obtaining the necessary funding becomes essential to unlock success and drive growth in this dynamic and competitive business environment.

East of England Government Funding : Securing funding is a crucial factor for the success of small business owners in the East of England, whether you’re starting up or aiming to expand. With a population exceeding 6 million residents, the East of England offers a substantial market for businesses. Currently, there are over 556,000 active and registered small businesses in the region. Recognizing the immense potential and market opportunities in the East of England, obtaining the necessary funding becomes essential to unlock success and drive growth in this thriving business landscape.

South East England Government Funding : Securing funding is a vital element for the success of small business owners in South East England, whether you’re starting up or aiming to expand. With a population exceeding 8.9 million residents, South East England offers a substantial and dynamic market for businesses. Currently, there are over 900,000 active and registered small businesses in the region. Recognizing the immense potential and market opportunities in South East England, obtaining the necessary funding becomes essential to unlock success and drive growth in this thriving business landscape.

North West Government Funding : Securing funding is an essential factor for the success of small business owners in North West England, whether you’re starting up or aiming to expand. With a population exceeding 7.1 million residents, North West England provides a significant market for businesses. Currently, there are over 553,000 active and registered small businesses in the region. Recognizing the immense potential and market opportunities in North West England, obtaining the necessary funding becomes crucial to unlock success and drive growth in this thriving business landscape.

North East Government Funding : Securing funding is a critical factor for the success of small business owners in North East England, whether you’re starting up or aiming to expand. With a population exceeding 2.6 million residents, North East England offers a significant market for businesses. Currently, there are over 147,000 active and registered small businesses in the region. Recognizing the immense potential and market opportunities in North East England, obtaining the necessary funding becomes essential to unlock success and drive growth in this thriving business landscape.

East Midlands Government Funding : Securing funding is a crucial factor for the success of small business owners in the East Midlands, whether you’re starting up or aiming to expand. With a population exceeding 4.7 million residents, the East Midlands offers a substantial market for businesses. Currently, there are over 572,000 active and registered small businesses in the region. Recognizing the immense potential and market opportunities in the East Midlands, obtaining the necessary funding becomes essential to unlock success and drive growth in this thriving business landscape..

Australia Small Business Resources

Australian Business Number : An ABN (Australian Business Number) serves as a unique identifier for your business, complementing rather than replacing your tax file number. Registering for an ABN is a necessary step to undertake, as it enables you to fulfill your tax obligations and engage in various other business activities. Discover the process of ABN registration and ensure you have this essential number in order to carry out your business operations effectively and comply with relevant regulations.

Register Business Name : If you have selected a business name and are prepared to register it, it is crucial to understand the requirements, process, and initial steps involved. Determine if registering a business name is necessary for your venture, and if so, gain insights on how to complete the registration procedure. By familiarizing yourself with the necessary steps, you can ensure that you take the appropriate actions to establish your business name legally and embark on your entrepreneurial journey confidently.

Grants and Programs : If you are conducting business in Australia, this guided search tool will assist you in discovering grants, funding opportunities, and support programs offered by various government entities. This resource simplifies the process of finding relevant financial assistance and support programs that can contribute to the growth and success of your business. Utilize this tool to navigate the available options and access the necessary resources to fuel your business’s progress in Australia.

Finance : Acquire essential knowledge on maintaining accurate business records, effectively managing cash flow, and preparing for tax obligations. Understanding the principles of record-keeping will enable you to keep track of crucial financial information and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. Efficient cash flow management is vital for maintaining a healthy financial position and sustaining your business’s operations. Additionally, preparing for tax time by organizing your financial documents and understanding your tax obligations will facilitate a smooth and hassle-free tax filing process. Empower yourself with these fundamental skills to maintain financial stability and meet your business’s financial obligations.

Legal : Gain a comprehensive understanding of Australian business laws and ensure compliance with the legal requirements relevant to your business. By familiarizing yourself with the applicable regulations and obligations, you can confidently navigate the legal landscape and operate your business in accordance with the law. Learn about key areas such as business registration, licensing, employment regulations, consumer protection, and any industry-specific laws that pertain to your business. Being well-informed about Australian business laws will not only mitigate legal risks but also establish a solid foundation for the success and longevity of your business.

Products an Services : Discover the strategies and insights on effectively selling your product or service, engaging in import or export activities, and sourcing reliable suppliers. Gain valuable information on marketing, sales channels, and customer acquisition to maximize your business’s reach and revenue. Understand the processes and regulations involved in importing or exporting goods, including customs procedures and international trade requirements. Additionally, learn how to identify and establish partnerships with trustworthy suppliers to ensure a seamless supply chain. Equipping yourself with this knowledge will enable you to optimize your business operations, expand your market reach, and build strong relationships within your industry.